I found a great link that merits a review: It talks about using non-wool yarns with wool to get a different effect when felted... These pictures are my before and after - after reading this article:

Combining Yarns
I knit one purse a few months ago that I was calling a Foo Foo purse on my Etsy store, I combined fancy fur and merino wool, held together throughout, I've got pictures of the before and after. I was displaying it at a craft show and some younger women, corrected me, "Don't you mean Froo-Froo?" I mean, I don't think I've been Politically correct for a long time, I cannot keep up with the "lingo." But the Froo-Froo or Foo-Foo was my d-i-l's choice this weekend when it got removed from ETSY and adopted out of my knitting closet.
Anyway, it actually looked nothing like the picture on I had on Etsy, because it doesn't really show the fur effect the froo-froo. But seen in real life - it got snagged..
I have a few new goals for 2008. One is to get published in a knitting magazine. Vogue Knitting preferably, (my son and d-i-l bought me a year's subscription - YEAH I don't have to drag the hubby around trying to find the latest issue!!) There is a contest for designing an item and 1st prize will be published!! It is using Aslan Trends luxury yarns. http://www.aslantrends.com/, so when I get to Phoenix, I'll be looking for Aslan Trends yarn, and I'll be writing patterns for some of my bags.
My son thinks I should also make videos of my items, I'm hoping to set that up in Phoenix also. Today I packed all my yarn, books, needles, and of course my polymer clay for the closures for my bags. I love having a plan for the new year.
Last year's goals were: 1. Learn a totally new skill in knitting and 2. Start an Etsy store with my handmade items... I did it!!