My stats for this web page show that people are looking at it, but aren't commenting. I'm trying to be relevant, but I'm getting no responses.
So-o-o-o if you are reading this and you are the first to comment, I will make you a FREE complimentary cell phone (knit and felt) holder, your color choice, from colors available in Patons Classic Wool or Patons SWS (soy wool stripe), made for your cell phone size. (You must give me time - probably 3-4 weeks to make the item, as I do some traveling between my knitting habit.) Just submit your email addy in the comments section and tell me what you like or don't like about my blog.
Patons Classic Wool Link: http://www.patonsyarns.com/product.php?LGC=classicwool
Patons SWS Wool Link: http://www.patonsyarns.com/product.php?LGC=sws
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