OK, a little thought on camping. When we leave here this time it's on two motorcycles, with tents, and cooking gear, (rain gear of course), and it sounds like we may need cold weather gear, plus heat gear (cool vests you soak in water and wear when the temp is over 80 degrees to stay cool while riding).
This trip takes us to North Carolina back through the Virginias and into Pennsylvania, lots of mountains, weather changes and adventure. One event is the Smoke Out in North Carolina, a motorcycle rally, the other is the Thunder in the Valley. We are camping there with BMW r
iders. (Hope they don't mind my Yamaha!!)
I PLAN TO TAKE MY KNITTING. I'm making another bag currently that starts with brown and black wool for the base, then works into ecru (tan) stripes, some russet stripes and back to black and brown, I've made the pendants that I will use for closure out of polymer clay - It is awesome, (if I may bra
g a bit). So I'm anxious to get this one done. Here are a few of my pendants so far.
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