Well, we just went through the flood of a lifetime, not we personally, but we collectively in our community.
As luck has it, we had just arrived home from traveling, so there was no food in the house...eating out the last few meals before it started to rain.
We had SPAM in the cabinet, and 3 eggs, some sugar free syrup, whole grain pancake mix, lots of mustard, catsup, olives, BBQ sauce, olive oil, etc.
Wouldn't you know the grocery store was flooded, the Wal Mart was closed because there was no way to access it and the power was out. So-o-o-o we were very creative with our meals, got 3 meals out of bare cabinets, then after the State of Emergency allowed us to go 20 miles North to our son's house, we saw the SouthBound lanes of the highway closed because the right lane of the 2lane was GONE!! on a state road. Whew, wouldn't want to be out driving on that in the dark. The water from the river came around 2 miles to get to the road, and it was obvious, the road had been COVERED before it receded to the point we could drive. Well, we were so blessed to only have wet walls and carpet in our laundry area (block walls). Others lost everything.
The storm that came Friday night stalled right over our town, I mean literally. I lay awake for 3 hours counting one-one-thousand, tw0- and the thunder would crash before I could get to two.
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