I've finished all my orders for Purses, and I sold two purses and my one and only hat, Fedora, yesterday. The lady who bought my hat had a felted wool hat she's worn for years and wanted to replace it, it looked amazing on her. A grandmother bought the denim sparkle purse for her 23 yr old granddaughter, and my sis bought her "favorite bag ever" the red and navy knit felt stripe drawstring purse that was softly felted with an i-cord handle, made from upcycled (recycled) yarn from Etsy. The lady www.yarnagain.etsy.com buys high end knit sweaters, unravels and sells the recycled yarn.
I'm getting to the place where I'm thinking I like Art and Craft Fairs a lot. I get to know the nicest people, everything is handmade, I get tons of ideas, spend the day with my sister and actually sell items and get orders for more. What more could you bargain for when your craft is something you love?
I'm blessed to have something separate from our "vocation" that gives me purpose. Our ministry is Chaplains to motorcyclists, bikers. We go into motorcycle events, rallies and cross-country runs, build relationships and minister to individual spiritual needs of the riders and vendors. We love what we do, but I also love hand crafting items, I really have the best of both worlds.
Now I'm moving into that time of year where I'll be away from a washing machine until spring. Which is my main tool for felting my bags. I've never used commercial washers to felt, but I may be experimenting with this in the near future. My loom is portable, it folds with a project dressed on it, it's called a workshop loom, which means it can travel!! Yeah!!
My mind is racing with creativity these days, but there is nothing on my needles or my loom. Give it a day!! (I used my sales money to buy - guess - YARN!!)
Craft Fairs are so tiring, setting up - we made several sales getting set up - tearing down, packing things in a place where you can access them and set up easier the next time, etc. I ached so bad last night I thought I had a terminal disease, but recuperated with a good nights sleep and lots of coffee and advil.
HERE'S the link to my blog for the Denim Sparkle purse that sold.
So, I do still have a few items for sale, but I'm not re opening my etsy store because, I'm rethinking etsy. I don't get that many responses to my page, so I may closer er down, make items for about 8 months or so, put them back for a Grand Re-Opening. Then again I may get a longing to start it up again after the 1st of the year. In the meantime, I'm going to knit, felt and weave and do as my son says, video tape it and make how-to videos. He's pretty wise!
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