
A Brief Visit With My Sister

I could probably count on both hands the number of times I've gotten together with my older sister since she left home to marry Norman nearly 45 years ago.  Last weeks brief encounter, we were both traveling in the same area of the country, and found we were 90 miles from each other.  Made arrangements for a brief layover on her part.

I'd have to say that she is always a part of my day, though.  My sisters and I were never estranged, only separated by marriage and child raising.  Anytime we are together there are so many memories there isn't enough time.  And if one has issues, the other is the best listener in the world.  I think that is why I so treasure my "sisters" in life that God has sent me throughout the years.  I have them in several places.  They aren't my big sister, but they, combined, each step in to fill the gap and bring peace where she cannot.

A few years ago, my older sister and I found out we were real close again on one of our trips and her weekend get-away with Norman.  She was bringing our parents to Branson, and we were there for ministry.  We met for a day, and the ladies shopped, the hubbies sat on benches and talked.  We were in a kitchen supply store and I was trying to decide on a set of silverware for our camper.  The men all walked in, and I was ready to pack it in, because it meant they were either done, hungry or lonely for us, so I turned to my hubby and said I was checking out this silverware here - look it has a rack to hang all the pieces, accessible in the trailer.  He said it was sharp looking.  and Norman said, "Hey, if it's something you like, it's unique, and it's something you will use - don't pass it up, who knows if you'll find it again when you walk away from here."

I bought it.  We use it everyday we're in the camper, and I think of my sweet Norman everyday.  He passed January '09, but it is a reminder of him and his sweet nature, and my amazing sister who is hurting, lonely, but growing, healing and changing before my eyes.

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