Wow, it's been a few days since I've posted. It really is for a good reason (or two). From packing for a major event, to lovin' on grandkids, the knitting has taken the back seat!!
I've finished two projects though since the "ONE-DAY" project in the last post.
Andrea saw the "One Day Project" and put in a special request for one from the same yarn as her sweater.

Yep this one is out of the Paton's SWS (Soy Wool Stripes) Earth, with a base from Patons Merino Wool.
The other I'm calling "Candy Corn" for some reason, I think it's sweet and it reminds me of Fall, Harvest, and my favorite snack (if only it were fat free). Ever tried mixing candy corn with dry roasted peanuts...keep them away from me, that's always the beginning of my Holiday Weight Gain, but right now I'm on the Low Life diet, Low Fat - No Life!
This one stands on it's own because I felted it for a longer time, and used Lion Brand Felting Wool (with a Patons Merino Wool Base like the other two).

With a close up of the beautiful copper trim I found in Bloomington, my hubby hopes to take lessons on making these find gems!!
No more projects for awhile gotta ride cross country on my motorcycle...won't have time to knit.